Clare’s Diary Week 6 ① / Details Like Fractal Mining (宝石採掘の様な作業)



Today my energy levels were low after a rather enthusiastic expedition to Mount Fuji. I started after lunch and softly worked small marks into areas painted over the weekend. The trees, boats and Summer river had been blocked out by volunteers. I had chosen the child to paint the water and the two older men to paint the boats and trees. I wanted the unpredictable nature of the child’s mark for the choppy water and the more solid approach of the older experienced men for the boats and trees.
The stamps needed working into as some had been only partially applied. A good start but it felt too naive and was disturbing me. An hour work refreshed it and made it less like a school project. That was all I achieved in 4 hours which seems insignificant on the scheme of things but for a person walking close to the wall I think it will matter. Detail painting becomes a bit like fractal mining. The more you do, the more there is to do. Keeping a balance between detail and wide movements is important, maintain perspective, though it is fun sometimes to get a little carried away in the details. But remember to look up sometimes!

