Clare’s Diary Week 10 ① / Final Day of Our Project(プロジェクト最終日)



Final day.

I found a last burst of energy to help glide through the last layers of top coat. This was aided by people coming to help. The closer we got to the end of the wall the more giggles and laughter was had. You could feel the weight lifting with each panel passed.

Mr Tomokazu was super fast and me and Yurie were jumping over each other to keep up.
Masao and his interpreter came to say goodbye at 12 o’clock. Junko said we could go to lunch and machimin would finish the top coat. This was a massive relief.
We ate at the flower cafe once again run by a lovely hard working lady all by herself. Impressive. Food was delicious.

At the end of the day we were presented with a scrap book full of comments and photos and memories of our time spent at machimin. Such a kind gift crafted beautifully. Thankyou Naho such consideration and attention to detail it brought a tear to my eyes. This will be truly treasured and something to show our families at home.

I was full with glee, we had managed to complete everything today which last week seemed impossible. I hope this has set the ground for machimin’s next projects. Onwards and upwards for everyone.

Thankyou to all the hundreds of people that helped make this happen.
You know who you are.
You are all very kind, welcoming and gifted people with your own ways of showing value. The time in Nagareyama was priceless.

Thank you.


トップコートを塗るエネルギーが残ってて良かった! 手伝いに来てくれた人もいて、みんなでワイワイ、最後に近づくにつれて笑い声が溢れていました。一枚、また一枚とパネルを塗っていくたびに肩の荷が降りていくような解放感。

トモカズさんがめちゃくちゃ早く塗ってくれて、私とユリエさんは追いつくのに必死でした。通訳の方とマサオさんも12時にお別れを言いに来てくれました。純子さんがあとはmachiminのスタッフで終わらせるからお昼に行っておいで、と言ってくれ、以前にも行った、Flower Cafeひまつぶしさんでランチ。本当においしいご飯でした。




