Today we painted, I mixed. Areas got masked off Gaetan is in charge of straight lines. I’m in charge of the wiggly lines. Like in life, I take the wiggly route Gaetan likes things ordered.
I prefer to take the wriggly route as it allows me to make discoveries along the way. The freedom to play, change direction and make mistakes is important to me. I value Gaetan’s ability to be systematic and methodical. We make a good team.
Eri came to help us today. Eri has been making Ryutetsu Area walking lab. website, following us on the journey, so it was nice for her to come and join in physically as well as digitally. Her husband came and took more photos. I have never been photographed so often I’m not used to posing for the camera, my natural instinct is to pull a stupid face. Maybe I will get better during the process of perfecting the right pose. Gaetan is photogenic, I am less genetically gifted in that department.
l was grateful for Eri, she was very careful and kept clean lines with very few drips. It is manageable when we can have one volunteer at a time.
Tomorrow hopefully there will be many volunteers but I think we are prepared. Bring on the frenzy!
Lunch time we had a delicious meal at the flower cafe Himatsubushi accompanied by yummy mirin soda that was collaboration with machimin!
今日はエリさんが手伝いに来てくれました。Ryutetsu Area walking lab. のサイトを担当してくれていて、私たちの歩みをずっと見守ってくれていたので、デジタル世界だけでなくリアルな世界で会えてうれしかったです。エリさんのご主人も合流してたくさん写真を撮ってくれました。普段はこんなにいっぱい写真を撮られることがないから、うまくポーズを取れてない。だからついつい変顔をしちゃう。この機会にかっこいいポーズを練習しようかな。ガエタンは何をしても写真映りが良い。これはもはや遺伝子的な違いかも。
明日はたくさんの人が手伝いに来てくれるだろうけど、準備は万端! なんでも来い!
お昼はflower cafe ひまつぶしさんへ。お昼ごはんはもちろん、machiminコラボのみりんソーダも美味しかった!