Clare’s Diary Day3 / Talking About Honcho with Many People!(まちの方とたくさんお話ししました!)



Today, we were invited to see a tatami store. Where the floor mats were made traditionally. It was fascinating to see the machinery they use. We are very inspired when we build our home to include a flooring like this within our home.
In the morning Arisa was back with us which was a great relief as she is a dear friend and it had been difficult not being able to communicate with her the first few days due to other commitments.
We were shown the paint which Nippon Paint company had kindly donated us to promote their DIY brand. I opened one can and the blue was so vibrant I am excited to use this brand. I offered in return a copy of my hackney wick drawing as a gesture of thank you.
Also, am excited to use the new tools I purchased at the local Viva Home department store, there were things in there I had only dreamed of or heard about in distant memories of tradesman conversations. Now I will get to use a painting glove for all those hard to reach places
Painting geek photos to come.
We continued communicating in the morning and it was decided that Thursdays were meeting days for design discussion and a time to talk about concerns.
The timetable was talked about and the typhoon was mentioned.
More information and photographs from the past were flashed at me which my phone gobbled up. There is becoming a large mountain of pieces I want to include within the wall but I have yet had the time to place them.
Hopefully next week when I am staying at Antigua I will have more alone time to process all the information.
It would be nice to use the typhoon time to do this but I need to find an activity to keep Gaetan occupied with also. We will calve stamps and cut stencils ready for the volunteers.
We had a lovely miso soup rice and purchased some rice from the farmer who supplies machimin with all the fresh produce. Later in the day the farmer and the paper cutter artist enjoyed showing us how children use to play. It was very funny watching the two men rolling around doing “Umatobi” (horse jump). Gaetan had time today to play with the toys from the past too. He managed to nail each toy very quickly. He is good when it comes to practical tasks. He wore the old shoes and samurai cloak with his new Japanese saw. He looked very handsome (as always in my eyes)
We finally got an IC card and travelled to meet an old friend from school.

近所にあるホームセンターで購入した新しい道具も早く使いたい!どれも、ロンドンの業者さんたちが「こんなのあるよ」と教えてくれたけれど中々手に入らなかったので、本当に夢のよう。筆では届きにくい場所で使う手袋型の筆のようなアイテムは、一度は使ってみたかった物。これを使えば、きっと壁のボルトも一瞬で塗れるはず! これは故郷のアートオタクに自慢したい逸品です。

